
Chris Cornell performs U2 'One' but using Metallica 'One' lyrics

The man was so incredibly talented.

Just mashing together two iconic songs just cause you wanted to see how it sounds - and nailing it - what a musical genius.

If you've ever stumbled down a YouTube rabbit hole (like we often do), you might come across some gems that you may not have seen before - like this of the late great Chris Cornell singing Metallica 'One' lyrics over U2's 'One'.

Two very different songs - Metallica 'One' is about a man stepping on a landmine and being placed on life support, whereas U2's 'One' is the story of a break-up - but man, Cornell manages to turn it into one beautiful song, and crushes it.

Here's him telling the audience how the mash up came to be:

Honestly. This was man was so goddamn talented. We really lost a special human in 2017. RIP Chris Cornell.