
Foo Fighters invite fan on stage to play 'Monkey Wrench' and she crushes it

How cool is this?

How cool is this?

Foo Fighters are back touring and playing gigs, and they've jumped straight back into their old ways by allowing fans to come up on stage and perform with them.

During a gig in Kansas last week, Dave Grohl plucked a fan from the crowd to help him play 'Monkey Wrench'.

The girl, Lauren, made her way up on stage towards Grohl before he jokingly stopped her by yelling "six feet!" (and nope, Covid jokes aren't going anywhere anytime soon).

"You're not nervous, are you?" he asked, which Lauren shook her head in reply which lead the frontman to tell the crowd "she ain't nervous!"

Lauren then went on to absolutely smoke the performance, nailing her part in the song. You love to see it.

There's also another great little moment during the clip -Lauren stumbled a little on stage, and Grohl quickly replied "don't fall off the stage - I've done that before", referencing the time he fell off stage and broke his leg in 2015, forcing the band to temporarily postpone their tour before returning in the coolest fucking throne you've ever seen.

Grohl and the Foos have made news recently, by trolling Westboro Baptist Church members once again by performing a disco cover of "You Should Be Dancing" while they were protesting. Good stuff.