A man from Pennsylvania managed to get Foo Fighter's leader Dave Grohl to join him on Instagram live, through a bit of "friendly stalking".
Note: if you don't really give a sh*t how this all happened but wanna watch the livestream, scroll to the bottom of the article.
When COVID-19 hit, 40 year-old Pat Finnerty was out of his job as a working musician, and has been self-isolating in his room pretty much ever since, with the exception of a couple isolated-roof-top performances with his band.
To help cure his boredom, Finnerty started daily live-streaming on Instagram, broadcasting himself attempting to learn every part to various classic rock songs in under an hour. He dubbed this livesteam "The Pat Finnerty Show".
Then he had an even better idea for his livestream - he wanted to record Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing", and get none other than Dave Grohl to sing Sting's iconic line, "I want my MTV."
But obviously if he wanted the star to appear on his livestream, he had to put in a bit of work.
Finnerty's mate sent him a giant cut out of Grohl, which accompanied him when he and his band performed on his rooftop. The video of this performance later went viral online, which we later find out Grohl saw. (Step one - get a video of yourself going viral with a life sized cut out of Grohl in it to get his attention).
Step two, which is probably what got Finnerty the win of meeting his idol, was a bit of "friendly stalking", he told Rolling Stone. Finnerty did some digging around, and found a guy that knew a guy who was supposedly going to a dinner party that Grohl would be at.
And step three - Finnerty began his "Grohl-A-Thon", where he was set to livestream for 24 hours with the goal of getting Grohl on the 'show'. Within nine hours, Grohl was on.
They talked for a solid 20 minutes and Grohl sung the famous Sting line for Finnerty, which is what sparked his Grohl-hunt.
Once the livestream was over, Finnerty said he was overwhelmed with positive messages and was absolutely buzzing from the whole experience. He told Rolling Stone:
Watch the livestream below, in two seperate parts: