We're back with another 'Rock Recommends', where our very own announcers give you some recco's of what they've been up to during lockdown.
Have a read of Jay, Dunc, Jen and Mike's suggestions... hopefully you find something that tickles ya fancy.

Heeeeeyooooo, here is a few of the things I have been binging TV Wise, I love me a cooking show and things that are shot incredibly well, so gobble these up:
Chef's Table (all seasons). Noteworthy Dario Cecchini the amazing Italian Butcher from Season 6 and Francis Mallman, an Argentinian Chef and one of the most fascinating people to exist. Here is the trailer for the season.
High on The Hog: Great and graphic history lesson on how African slaves shaped the culinary space in the US, trailer here.
Chef's Table: BBQ self explanatory and eeeeepic trailer here.
Meateater (All Seasons). You can view here for FREE.

Hope this helps, chuuurs.

How areeee! I'll be honest this lockdown I have battling a serious addiction....to Pea Crisps fucking rock n rollllll!
These little buggers are like a packet of crack.... You open and your mouth turns into a black hole for pea crisps and the whole packet disappears!

But before you start getting worried about me...don't I'm slowly weaning myself off the little green pricks..... I've found a snack sized pack!

Can recommend but be careful.... Better living everyone.
I've put together a list of some of my favourite boredom killer shows and podcasts, to get you through this bloody boring lockdown!
Teachers Pet
Mike Tyson's Hot Boxin' podcast
Joe rogan's Podcast

Netflix shows:
Don't F*uck with Cats
Tell me Who I Am
Prison Break
The Undoing
Your Honor
The story of a real life Tony Soprano who bought his 17 year old son a hockey team, a team known for starting fights and having rabid blood thirsty fans.
It's absolutely crazy story about a kid obsessed with The Mighty Ducks and Pro Wrestling with a dad connected to the Mafia who runs a trash collection business worth millions.
Watch one of the trailers here.
And of course we all recommend that you listen to The Rock 2000 Countdown! Listen weekdays from 8am.
Plus, check out The Morning Rumble's Lockdown Recommendations here.