New Zealand

Sammy has some big news for us!

A lot has happened in Sam's world since we last caught up with her...

Sammy popped into the studio to give us a little life update, and she had something big to share!

The last time she was in the studio, Sam and her partner Sam told us about the "rollercoaster of a year" they had in 2022.

(FYI it might get confusing which Sam is which, so for the rest of this article we'll call girl Sam 'Sammy' and boy Sam just 'Sam'. Ok? Good to go!)

Sammy thinks that last year's health issues could've been the "kick up the behind" that started getting the wheels in motion for this development.

About a month ago Sammy came home to find her house looked a little. strange.

The first hint was a collection of potplants placed outside, which ended up continuing into the house along with some candles.

Her first thought was that Sam was doing a cute little photoshoot with the baby, but when she turned around and saw his face, she instantly knew what was about to happen.

And then it finally happened, he got down on one knee and popped the question!

Sammy gave The Breakfast Club the full rundown on air, and they were all absolutely stoked for the Sams!

Listen to the full moment on our podcast.

Available on ROVA or on all other major podcast platforms.