A British dad who loves his kai decided to bosh on for his 36th birthday and order a burger king whopper with 36 patties on it.
Craig Harker, AKA Dad Loves Food on YouTube, said 'screw traditional birthday celebrations, I'm gonna smash the "UK's biggest whopper" instead', posting his effort to YouTube.
"I'm not a normal person," he tells the camera. "I love my meat, I'm an absolute carnivore."
Craig then rocks up to the Burger King drive-thru and makes the mammoth order (that poor BK cook) before adding a diet coke to it since he's "watching the calories". Chat.
It cost him 53 pounds and 49 pence, which equates to a 'whopping' $104.08 here in NZ.
Craig then pulls the whopper out of the bag and could not look happier. It looks like a present a three-year-old wrapped up then covered in grease, but old mate is looooving it.

Before he attacks the monster, Craig tells his fans why there's a noticeable lack of dairy on the meat tower.
"There's no cheese on it because once you put cheese on it falls over, and that would be silly."
He keeps a cheery attitude throughout but after his initial bite, there is a subtle hint of fear in his eyes - the look of a man who has created a monster he cannot defeat.

"That is well worth the money. A mint birthday present for me. Love that," he says, despite never finishing the burger.
He told The Mirror that he could only get through 12 patties, stopping at a dozen before more damage was done.
"I stopped at 12 because my stomach was starting to look like the burger - it was absolutely huge and I thought if I forced any more down I was going to throw up," he said.
"I got to the point where I thought 'right this is me done comfortably' without me popping a button off my pants."