
Two Hawkes Bay mates get matching tattoos of spot knives

Hawkes Bay? Makes sense.

Nothing says friendship more than matching tattoos of spot knives heating up on a stove.

Two mates from Hawkes Bay did exactly that.

The tattoo artist, Rob Kemp, told NZME that the client was deciding for months before actually getting the tattoo, with her friend getting the matching one later. The tattoo is a tribute to the ladies' long friendship, and to remember past times.

The reactions to the viral tattoos are mixed, with some people commenting "I thought those were dart boards with poorly drawn darts", and "this is the dumbest idea for a tattoo I've ever seen!..."

Some fellow stoners are loving it, with comments such as "The handy dandy spot machine. Man I miss those times", and "best matching tats I've ever seen lmao".

And then of course you have the boomers, with some commenting "can someone please explain this to me", and "what's this even supposed to mean?"

Can't say we'd get this tattooed, but damn we admire them for it!