Health & Wellness

"Run it straight at your mental health" - Tegan shares her journey with anxiety and depression

Proud of you sis 💛

Our girl Tegan has opened up in a candid video on her Instagram page, sharing with the world about her depression diagnosis in a bid to urge others to run it straight when it comes to looking after their mental health.

In a post on Monday night, Tegs revealed she had been on a very tough journey to deal with anxiety and depression, after being diagnosed with it earlier this year.

"I'm still working through it, but I'm getting there," she said. "It's not something that just fixes itself overnight."

Tegan wrote in her post:

Shot sis. We couldn't be more proud of you for standing up and having the courage to share your feelings and be vulnerable on a public platform. You may not even realise how many people, particularly other young wahine, will be inspired to speak up and share their journey after hearing your korero.

Much love from the Mai whanau.