Food & Drink

Meet the 28% beer that's so strong it's illegal in the US

This is pretty much the supercar of beers.

If doctor tells you to only have one beer a week - this should be the one

Samuel Adams Brewery in Boston, USA have just revealed their latest creation, and it's so damn strong it's already illegal in 12 states.

Called 'Utopias,' this brew will cost you a pretty US$200 for a 24-oz (709 milliliters) of 28% ABV goodness (or blackout-ness, depending on how you look at it?). Jeepers.

The beer is aged in barrels that once held bourbon, and the ingredients include multiple malts, three varieties of German hops, and a yeast that is typically used for creating champagne.

It's then packaged in porcelain bottles, clad in copper, with a sliding window on it.

"It's kind of the Starship Enterprise of beer — it takes beer where no beer has been before," Jim Koch, founder of Sam Adams Brewery said.

"One of the things I wanted to do is bring to beer the same dignity and respect and nobility that's been accorded to wine." But he also admitted this beer is on the "lunatic fringe of brewing."

So what does it taste like? Well apparently it's 'reminiscent of a rich vintage Port, old Cognac or a fine Sherry' that has been aged for 20 years.

The strength of the hangover is unknown.