
The latest series of the 1pm COVID Update is getting rave reviews on IMDb

Well deserved.

The unexpected drop of the new season has started with a BANG!

Another lockdown comes with another season of NZ's break-out hit TV series.

In case you've missed it, the daily COVID briefings have made their way to IMDb with legendary kiwis leaving reviews for its 4th season!

With hundreds of reviews, this season would definitely be sitting in the top 10 on Netflix with a rating of 9.4/10.

We would like to add that after Chris Hipkins leg spreading comment it bumps it up for a 10/10 in our book!

"The cast combinations really have us guessing. Will it be Jacinda and Ashley? Jacinda and Caroline? Chris and Ashley? And then the added cameos from Grant. Kudos to the producers for keeping this fresh for viewers who were all thinking that the show really had jumped the shark and were hoping we wouldn't see other seasons emerge." writes another.

Honestly, this page has become one of our favourite parts of going back into lockdown, giving us a much needed laugh going through each review.

"Some critics of season 3 felt that the actions of the main protagonist, COVID-19, had become flat and predictable. Its replacement by the emergence of the Delta variant has seen the show return to its early heights, amplifying the tension and sensation of imminent catastrophe for which the show is noted."

See all the reviews here.