You told us what your exes were really like

not the hating on the mustache

Some out the gate calls came through on the Mai Morning Crew last week when talking about 'What was your ex really like?'

The first caller said the reason why he broke up with his girlfriend was cause she had a 'mustache' and 'he didn't really like it'.

Morning Crew asked him if that was what he told when breaking up.

Turns out, he didn't tell her that and instead, he told her that he 'had to go overseas'. And nope he didn't go anywhere.

The second caller shared that her ex's 'breathing' in general and 'he's breathing while he's eating like he's just stuffing his mouth', was just not it. He also had the 'most disgusting table manners'.

"Even at home, I would say, I'm gonna go watch the news. And I would just go to my room and eat," she said.