Ahoy there fellow bookworms! Slither, slither, come hither... I've got the books to spice up your summer. Is there a theme of them being racy? Maybe. But who doesn't love a summer romance?
#1: Colleen Hoover - Verity Look, anything Colleen Hoover writes is good, It ends with us is superb, if you love a sex scene then Ugly Lover is a winner. If you want sex, thriller and mystery - then Verity is your book.
I do suggest googling trigger warnings though. There's one part where I skipped a couple of pages but still got the gist.

#2: Balli Kaur Jaswell - Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows This is one of my all-time faves, it's such a great read. I love the insight into Indian culture, it has mystery, comedy and very erotic stories from the widows.
#3: Sally Rooney - Normal People It's a classic, IYKYK. The storyline is a bit annoying but shiver me timbers, get a tarp.
Sorry, if you are reading this mum.

#4: Sajni Patel - First love, Take two 'The trouble with hating you' is the first part of this series, but it's not going to stuff the story if you don't read it first.
Sajni is one of my favourite authors, she knows how to get you straight away and my gal can tell a great story and write a good steamy scene (pun intended).
#5: Taylor Jenkins Reid - Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo Like Colleen Hoover, You can't go wrong with Taylor Jenkins Reid, but this one is a must-read.
It's such a cool storyline, Evelyn is badass and I love that she always transports you somewhere else.

Ok, I hear you. You want some non-horn dog reads too? Fine, I've got you covered.
#1: Uzma Jalaluddin - Hana Khan carries on This is one of the most powerful, insightful books I've ever read. It's an amazing story but also so sad. If you have never experienced racism, read this book, it will show you what some people live with on a daily basis and why it's so important we always call racism out.

#2: Candice Carty-Williams - People Person Candice won me over with her first book 'Queenie' and I was so excited when this came out and let me tell you, she delivered again.
A story of family, loyalty and mystery, you'll fall in love with Candice's writing.
#3: Gillian Flynn - Gone Girl If you haven't seen the movie, read this book. It is the best thriller I've ever read with twists for days.

#4: Noelle McCarthy - Grand (Becoming my mother's daughter) A memoir about NZ's Noelle McCarthy and her relationship with her Mum. It made me laugh, cry and go cuddle my sons while they were asleep. Noelle is a brilliant writer.
#5: Emily Ratajkowski - My Body I devoured this book, I wasn't sure what to expect and I really only knew she was "the hot girl from the blurred lines video". I found it so interesting and it gives you an insight into celebrity, modelling and being judged solely on your looks.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did - if you didn't. Well... awkward for me, but let's still be friends.
Have a great summer!
Ps. Sorry about the 'slither come hither' bookworm gag, you made it to the end though.