This week, New Zealand finally banned conversion therapy. A historic milestone that was well past due.
One of the key figures in fighting for the ban has been Shaneel Lal who write on Insta that the banning of conversion therapy is the 'start to freeing queer people in New Zealand'.
Shaneel joined The Edge Breakfast to talk about the milestone saying that New Zealand is one of the very first countries in the world to put a national ban on conversion therapy.
However sadly not everyone has been accepting of the news, targeting them with death threats.
"This has been consistent throughout the movement." Shaneel explained.
"in 2019 when I spoke at youth parliament asking for a ban on conversion therapy, I received a debilitating number of threats. Parliament at the time said it exposed the 'homophobic underbelly on NZ'".
Shaneel then spoke about having to leave Auckland today following the ban for their safety.
"I did receive a note again threating to kill me so I've been forced to leave Auckland for my safety."
Disgusted, The Edge Breakfast said how they were so sorry this has happened with Eli saying "it's unbelievable that after all this hard work that's still going on, that you can't just wake up with a sense of relief."
"Hopefully karma comes back and bites them, and they realise they're one the wrong path" then said Nickson.
Watch the full video above.