Forget about the rumours of MAFS groom Harrison Boon's secret girlfriend, the latest word on the street is that Dan Hunjas had not one, but FOUR of them.
We already know Dan has shown himself to be the King of Denial during the experiment, but he has a lot more to answer now that screenshots of texts allegedly sent by him to one of his many lady friends have leaked.

SOURCE: So Dramatic!
In an episode of the So Dramatic! Podcast, Dan spoke on the rumours that he had multiple secret girlfriends in the lead-up to his wedding to Sandy Jawanda, with one apparently overlapping during the filming of his big day and the honeymoon.
On the pod, Dan flat-out denied the allegations calling the murmurs "completely false" - SHOCKER!
Dan claimed things ended between him and one of the rumoured girlfriends named Tallara, but screenshots of messages showing supposed communication between the pair during the show suggest otherwise.
Speaking on his relationship, Dan told the podcast: "Tallara is an ex-girlfriend. We broke up amicably. I dropped her off at the airport where she moved to Perth over a year ago."
Interestingly enough, messages of "missing [Dan's] voice" and phone calls that didn't go through due to "microphones listening" are all shown in screenshots of Dan and Tallara's comms.
I mean, the sheer number of heart reactions and playful emojis says it all for me. You tell me, do you use the winking tongue-out emoji with someone you don't fancy?!

SOURCE: So Dramatic!
Okay, but surely, Dan can understand where I'm coming from? The man seemed to pull a complete 180 and blindsided not only his wife but everyone in the experiment and watching from home.
ICYMI - Much to our complete shock, Dan and Sandey went from being one of the most promising couples to leaving the experiment on Sunday night's commitment ceremony.
The lead-up to their downfall was Dan's harsh words on a boy's night out, where Dan held up pictures of his exes and allegedly compared and critiqued Sandy against his previous beaus.
Ladies, if a man ever makes you question your self-worth, please take this as your friendly reminder to RUN!!!