The end of Leo season is fast approaching but one August-born kiwi is celebrating a milestone this week.
Nick Pickering, 22 from Dunedin, has broken a personal record of 3 days and counting without reminding his friend group of his star sign.
"I don't mean to keep bringing it up, it just happens!" Pickering explained.
"I mean, as a Leo, I am drawn to being the center of attention so there isn't much I can do about it."
However, Pickering says this month he's worked extra hard to not bring up the 'L' word.
"It was one of my goals on my birthday and naturally, as a Leo, I'm very competitive so knew if I set it as a goal, I would have a good chance of following through with it."
But it came undone on August 11th as the country, and the world was treated to the final supermoon of the year.
"I was just reminding my flatmate Sarah to make sure she'd put her crystals out to charge when it just, it just kind of. slipped out.
I said 'Sarah, how could you forget, it's literally a SUPERmoon! Ha ha ha, well, luckily you live with a Leo-'" Nick's head dropped as he recalled the moment.
"I was devastated, as a Leo, I was so confident that I could follow through but just like that, I had broken my streak."
"To be honest, I didn't even hear what he said," says Sarah, a Sagittarius.
"I had my AirPods in and figured he was just saying something about superman.
We watched it as a flat last week and ever since he's been like 'you know, I reckon superman was a Le-..... oooohhh, almost said it! Ha ha ha'.
Literally, no one cares".
But Nick is back on track, having now gone a full 3 days without mentioning any of his Leo traits.
"I reckon I can go the rest of the month, I really do. And as a Leo, once I set my mind to doing something, I'm going to do it.
Nick is in the middle of planning to throw a 'End of Leo Season' party but says, it's not going to be a party all about him.
"I mean, that is something us Leo's get a lot of grief about, being the 'CeNteR oF AtTenTiOn' but I'm not like that."
Alright, neither Nick nor Sarah are real people but if you're a Leo, you're probs guilty of bringing it up once or twice this month.