If you've ever wanted to run around a suburban neighbourhood as a squirrel equipped with a gun - and why wouldn't you? - then this game making the rounds on Twitter is exactly what you're looking for.
Creatively named 'Squirrel With a Gun', the game is unreleased, but creator Daniel DeEntremont has been blessing the internet with some clips and it looks beautifully ridiculous.
Check out the glorious piece of cinema that is the trailer below.
It's looking like as the squirrel you'll be hunted down by Men In Black-esque agents - probably because you can rob people and just wreak absolute havoc as a rodent with a lethal weapon.
It's not just gun-toting madness though. There also seems to be a puzzle-solving aspect to the game, with a few clips in the trailer showing the squirrel having to push buttons and throw objects to shut down a force field containing a holographic acorn.
Perry the Platypus' underrated cultural impact seems to finally be manifesting in games like this.
Probably the most entertaining part of the game is the fact that the squirrel is using a human-sized gun because a squirrel-sized gun would just be nuts.
Recoil from using the gun lets you fly and bounce through the air, letting you, as the Steam page for the game states, "explore the neighbourhood from a squirrel's eye view", and it makes for some unreal screenshots like this one.

If for some reason what you've read so far still hasn't quite intrigued you enough to keep tabs on the game, the fact that the creator seems like a great bloke with an even greater sense of humour should sway you.
He made a website for the game which gives us some quality information about the staff behind the game, and well, just take a look.

The release date for the game is a "good question!" according to the Steam page.
We'll definitely be keeping an eye out on this game and will be frothing more than a squirrel with rabies when we can finally play it.