An Aussie breakfast weatherman, Sam Mac, has given us one of the top news moments of the year so far after he held a mic up to a bunch of people dressed up as "giant fluffy anuses". Mac ran into these characters while reporting on Melbourne's Rising Festival for Sunrise.
Attempting to be a true professional, the reporter began his live cross standing in front of a group of the pink, shaggy creatures, who were all stroking each other with tiny rakes.
"Tell us what this is please!" Mac asked one of the performers.
"Yes well, we worship the natural world," they replied. Sure, why not?
As if he hadn't already completely rocked the morning news crossover, the interviewee then drops a sea urchin anus fact on us,
Well, at least we've learned something new - although we could have probably gone our whole lives without knowing that. Mac and the rest of the 'Sunrise' crew instantly pull looks that just scream "what the fuck did that woolly arse just say?"

You gotta feel for poor Sam Mac here. He's absolutely in shock from what he hears, and during the rest of the interview, you can just tell how embarrassed he is. Luckily, the sea urchin somewhat breaks the awkwardness by letting us know another fun fact about the creatures, "they also love Ricky Martin." "Oh, who doesn't love Ricky Martin?" replied Mac, while clearly dealing with a deep dose of cringe.
Mac then gets a pretty professional segue in to get change the subject and get to the weather, "I probably should have asked that question before the segment, but now you know, but hey let's check your weather, shall we?" It seems like it's always a good idea to just throw to the weather if you ever have a balls-up during a live broadcast.