OPINION: It was shocking to wake up on Monday morning to wake up and hear there had been a mass shooting at a gay bar in Colorado. It is the second time in recent memory that a queer space has been targeted, and it doesn't seem like a coincidence that this has happened during a time when anti-queer messaging is being spread by conservative politicians in the USA.
The latest target of their agenda is to target drag queens performing for children. Drag Queen story time is a popular event that is what it says it is: Drag queens reading stories.
Unfortunately, some people don't think children should see drag queens. Why? Who really knows, they think it's adult content even though it's literally just a fabulous performer reading a story.
This got very close to home over the last few weeks when Australian Drag Queen Courtney Act was accused of "grooming" by South Australian Senator Alex Antic.
This is a seriously loaded term that refers to an abusive act and just... could not be further from reading someone a story in a wig.
It's fear-mongering designed to win votes from the conservative population, an accusation based so far from the reality that it's ridiculous.
We haven't seen this kind of messaging in Aotearoa, yet. But we often are influenced by our bigger neighbours.
If you see it, shut it down, because it's just lies that spread hate, and that hate can lead to terrible actions. But drag queen story time? That's about spreading love! And that's something to celebrate