In a groundbreaking initiative to support environmental conservation, Yellowstone actor Cole Hauser is set to embark on a thrilling seven-day hunting adventure at Hawea's Glen Dene Station. The exclusive package, valued at $100,000, is part of a fundraising auction initiated by Hauser himself, with the winning bid serving as a generous donation to the US-based Dallas Safari Club.
Richard Burdon, owner of the expansive 15,000-acre Glen Dene Station, expressed his excitement about hosting the Hollywood star.
"We are thrilled to host such an amazing character.," he says.
The prime hunting land boasts breathtaking views that stretch along Lakes Wanaka and Hawea, providing an idyllic backdrop for this unique conservation initiative.
Yellowstone, a critically acclaimed TV series spanning five seasons, features Hauser in the role of Rip Wheeler. The show follows the Dutton family as they defend their ranch against various threats, including land developers, a Native American reservation, and the nation's first National Park.
The fundraising auction, spearheaded by Hauser, has successfully raised a staggering $NZD 98,000. All proceeds will contribute to the Dallas Safari Club's mission of supporting environmental conservation and education projects worldwide, aimed at safeguarding wildlife and their habitats.
The comprehensive hunting package encompasses various amenities including field preparation, accommodations at the luxurious Cross Hill Lodge and Domes, chef-prepared meals, and alcoholic beverages with dinner. Additionally, participants will benefit from transfers from Queenstown Airport, gun hire, ammo for the week, a knowledgeable hunting guide, and three trophy fees.
The trophy fees cover the hunting of one bull tahr, a gold medal red stag, and an Arapawa ram, promising participants an exhilarating and memorable adventure in the heart of New Zealand's stunning wilderness.
While the dates for this unique experience have yet to be finalised, Burdon is confident that the event will be a tremendous success.
"This initiative not only offers a once-in-a-lifetime experience for outdoor enthusiasts but also channels much-needed resources into vital conservation efforts," he emphasises.
Hauser, who is known for his on-screen toughness, expressed his passion for conservation, stating, "I'm thrilled to be a part of this initiative that combines my love for the outdoors with the greater cause of preserving our planet's natural wonders."
As the eagerly anticipated adventure awaits, this collaboration between Hollywood star Cole Hauser and Glen Dene Station stands as a shining example of how entertainment and environmental consciousness can join forces for a meaningful and impactful cause.